5 Tips for Vaping Indoors

As we are entering a hopefully very temporary reality of spending most of our time indoors, we are all looking for some comfort and reassurance — and a lot of us find these in sticking to our daily routine.

While vaping outdoors and with a view is definitely fun, vaping indoors has its charm as well. Today, we are looking into some helpful tips for enjoying an indoor vaping session.

Before we do though, let's address the elephant in the room: second-hand vaping is not the same as second-hand smoking.

Smoke is a product of burning. When you burn any substance, volatile gases, carbon monoxide and other potentially toxic substances are released into the air. Burning tobacco sets free over 7,000 chemicals, hundreds of which are considered toxic and over fifty are carcinogenic. This makes smoking a very unhealthy habit and second-hand smoking quite a dangerous side-effect. In fact, the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have even added an online pamphlet to their website specifically outlining the dangers of second-hand smoking.

Second-hand vapor is the result of a different process. It's technically an aerosol exhaled by a vaper and is not a product of combustion. Thus, you are not inhaling second-hand smoke but rather clouds of flavorful steam. The vapor from vaping devices is the result of e-liquid being heated by a vaporizer and no carbon monoxide or tar is released in the process. Thus, it will not linger in the air, clothing or hair and does not have the sharp smell that cigarettes do.

Tip One: don't vape next to kids and pets

Second-hand vaping is basically inhaling aerosol exhaled by a vaper. As the main ingredient in most e-liquids is propylene glycol or vegetable glycerin, you will be exhaling a little bit of that. Plus, if you are smoking nicotine-containing e-liquids, there will be minimal amounts of nicotine in the air as well. Additionally, you may be exhaling small amounts of formaldehyde, acetone, heavy metals and volatile organic compounds. While you will be exhaling these in really miniature quantities (unless you are cloud chasing), it is still recommended to not vape in the same room with children and pets.

*Some animals are more sensitive to your e-liquid residue than others. Cats are known to not enjoy second-hand vaping and fish are especially sensitive to nicotine. So, if you handle nicotine-containing vape juices, make sure to thoroughly clean your hands before feeding fish or cleaning the fish tank.

Tip Two: wipe down your walls and windows after a vape session

While vaping indoors doesn't discolor walls like cigarette smoke, it might make your walls sticky and dusty — and if you don't clean this residue right away, it may be more troublesome to get rid of. As ceilings are way more complicated to clean, try to not direct your vapor upwards.

Tip Three: try not to smoke around tech

Smoking cigarettes around your computer or laptop can be risky: after a while, you will see that the machine has gathered lots of tar and it may even become unusable. Once again, vaping is not the same. However, if you do a lot of heavy vaping near your computer, you may soon notice a thin layer of sticky liquid on the surface and, what's worse, inside your PC. If you do end up vaping a lot near your tech, make sure to clean it regularly. If you can resist the urge, though, of pairing your flavor sesh with a browsing sesh, it may be for the best.

Tip Four: manage fire alarms

A lot of home fire alarms may go off if you are vaping heavily indoors. But it will typically only happen if there is a lot of vapor in a room or if, for some reason, you decide to blow clouds directly at the fire alarm. Older heat alarms won't be affected by vapor and neither will be ionizing fire alarms (unless you vape directly at them).

If your fire alarm is connected to the entire building, this is something to think about and take precautions against.

Tip Five: air out your vape room and use a dehumidifier

Vapor will linger in the air longer if the humidity is high. If you live in a humid climate, airing out your room may not be too effective. So, having a humidifier handy can be very useful.

This is all we have for now — do you have any indoor vaping tips to add to the list?



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