Stealth Vaping Techniques With iQ AIR

There are two key things that make stealth vaping possible: the right vaping kit and the right stealth vaping technique. With the iQ AIR, we have the first one covered. So all you need to do now is find the right stealth vaping technique.

Stealth vaping is no rocket science — but there are several things you will need to keep in mind. Here are some of the basic "rules" you will need to keep to:
  • Hide your LEDs. Even a small and subtle kit like the iQ AIR still comes with a mini LED indicator in the lower part of the device that lights up every time you take a draw. Even something this small can easily give you away. Thus, the first thing to remember is that you need to cover your LEDs — you can simply do it with your hand as you vape or attach a piece of tape over the LED light.
  • Don't huff and puff. If you want to vape stealthily, you can't take big hits. Even low cloud devices like the iQ AIR can produce quite a bit of vapor when you take a long draw. To not draw attention to yourself (pun intended), inhale lightly and exhale through pursed lips.
  • Master the right inhale. The key thing about stealth vaping is minimizing the amount of vapor you create. And there are several ways to do that:
        -You can simply hold the vapor in your lungs for a few seconds before exhaling. The longer you hold it in, the less vapor you will exhale.

        -Alternatively, you can lessen the amount of vapor you exhale even further by taking another deep inhale before you exhale or by swallowing after you take an inhale.

        -(Note both of these techniques should not be used with high-nic e-liquids).

  • Hide your clouds. As an extra measure (or as an alternative to the different inhale), you can simply hide the vapor that you exhale. For example, you can try to exhale down into your shirt or exhale into a handkerchief or a paper towel. True, that might look a bit strange, but it will mask the clouds from your vape.

There are a few other things that could help as well:
  • Use a high PG juice. Juices that are high in VG tend to produce more clouds. With stealth vaping, you don't want that. That's why it's best to choose e-juices with a higher PG content: e-liquids that are 80% PG would be ideal for stealth vaping but a simple 50/50 blend would also do the trick.
  • Finally, choose the right flavors. While big clouds may be the key thing to avoid if you want to be discreet, they are not the only thing that may give you away as a vaper. If you are vaping a strong-smelling pungent e-juice, the chances are you will get some attention from those nearby. So, what should you vape? It's probably best to go with something light and airy, like a citrusy blend, menthol, mint, etc.



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