Mini-Guide: how to choose the right PG/VG balance
So, what PG/VG ratio should you use?
This depends on several key factors. Namely, what kit you are using and what you want to get out of your vape. Let's start with the kit.
While you may have a preference for a specific PG/VG ratio in your e-liquids, it all comes down to nothing if it's not a good match for your equipment. So what equipment can there be?
One of the most popular tank types is a clearomizer. These come with high resistance coils and are usually used for vaping under 15 watts. Clearomizers are not a good match for high VG e-liquids: their coils are not well-suited for coping with thicker fluids. If you do end up vaping a high VG juice on a clearomizer, this may result in lots of dry hits. Thus, it is generally advised to go with high PG e-liquids on a clearomizer or, at least a 50/50 ratio.
Sub-ohm tanks can take a lot more power than clearomizers and are designed to handle high VG juices well. Typically featuring extra batteries, these devices use up juice much quicker than standard tanks and are ideal for blowing large clouds of vapor.
Then, there are rebuildable. If have reached the stage in vaping where you enjoy making your own coils, you get rewarded by having way more flexibility when it comes to your PG/VG ratios. Naturally, the coils you use do matter, but you won't have to worry about your cotton wicking properly. The ratio you can use here comes down to personal preference, but the coil resistance rules stay the same: you need to use sub-ohm coils if you want to vape high VG juices and high resistance coils if you want to vape e-liquids that are high in PG.
Here at iQ VAPE, we are big fans pod mod devices. And these usually come with their own selection of carefully balanced pods that match the kit precisely. However, some pod mods are refillable — in which case, it's a safer bet to go with a higher PG juice as the coils on these kits are rarely meant for thick viscous e-liquids. Some devices (like the iQ ONE, for instance) will make things easier for you by coming with two types of coils that you can use interchangeably depending on the e-juice you use.

How to find your PG/VG sweet spot?
We've touched upon this briefly in our PG/VG guide. Your choice of PG/VG ratio will also be guided by what you are looking to get out of your vape.
There are a few rules to stick to here as well.
- If you want a stronger throat hit (and do check out our Vaper's Guide to Throat Hit for more info on that), go with a high PG vape.
- If you prefer smoother vaping sessions, a high VG juice would be milder for the throat.
- Cloud chasers will need a high VG e-liquid (preferably, paired with a sub-ohm tank).
- Stealth vaping, on the other hand, will require a minimal amount of clouds and, thus, a low VG juice. (By the way, don't miss our Guide to Stealth Vaping).
- Tobacco, fruity and beverage flavors tend to go well with high PG blends. And creamy, custardy and yogurty flavors are a better match for high VG juices.
That's the gist of it. By following these simple tips, you should be able to get very close to that perfect PG/VG balance.
To achieve perfection in balancing PG and VG, some vapers prefer to experiment and make their own e-juice. This is much easier than it may sound — and proves quite cost-effective over time. Making your own e-liquid will involve steeping (aging your e-juice), thinning (adding distilled water to the e-liquid to make it less thick), choosing flavorings, learning how to precisely measure ingredient amounts and so on. You can find more details on the process in our How to DIY your own e-liquid post.
Summing things up
There is nothing particularly difficult about PG or VG. They are the base ingredients in most vape juices and each has its own specific properties.
Before you start experimenting with ratios, start out with a 50/50 balance and then move on to trying different variations. As you learn more about your preferences, you may find that you want to mix things up and vape different concentrations on different devices and at different periods of time.