How to plan your first week of vaping?

Your first week of vaping is sure to be an exciting time — but it can also be quite challenging. You will need to make quite a few decisions and choices in this first week — and as you are still discovering vaping, these may be quite tricky. In this quick post, we want to give you some heads up and maybe even a few tips on what to expect in your first week of vaping.

Getting the gear

The first thing you will need to embark on your vaping adventure is the right gear and the right e-liquid. And choosing these may not seem easy as you are not familiar with the many types of devices and vape juices. If you have any friends who already vape, take some time to chat with them about the devices you use or do a bit of research online.

Tip: go simple as you are just starting out. Get a compact pod system that requires zero maintenance and comes with its own set of juice pods that you will just need to replace as you run out of juice. What’s more, you will typically find the e-liquid pods for your device lined up in a nice selection of different nicotine concentrations.

Getting the vape juice

You will also need some vape juice to get started. If you are using a pod mod (as suggested above), then you will need to stock up on pods. It’s best if you get a wide range of flavors as well so that you can pick and choose throughout the week until pick your favorites.

The next choice to make will be whether you are vaping free-base or nic salts. The best way would be to try both types of e-liquids and check your sensations after vaping each one. Nic salts are known for giving you more bang for your buck as you will be able to vape at higher nicotine levels while avoiding the harsh throat hit that typically comes when vaping free-base e-liquids with high nicotine concentrations.

Tip: if you used to be a heavy smoker, nic salts would probably be a better option (at least, at the beginning), as the would give you the sensations that are closest to smoking and help you avoid harsh nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Then again, you always have the option of going nic-free if you want to stop using nicotine altogether.

Finding the right nicotine level

Choosing the right nicotine level is very important to make sure you get what you are looking to get from your vaping experience.

If you use e-liquid with too much nicotine, you may feel light-headed or experience what’s called a harsh “throat hit”, which can be quite unpleasant.

If you vape e-liquid with a nicotine concentration that is too low, your cravings may not be satisfied and you may feel like going back to smoking.

The most important aspect here is choosing the right balance — and this depends on a number of factors. Namely: how much you used to smoke and what device you are currently using. For instance, if you are using a pod mod, you may follow these guidelines to get started:

Ex light smoker: consider getting a vape juice with the nicotine concentration of 6mg/ml to 12mg/ml.
Ex “a pack a day” smoker: if you used to smoke a pack a day, go with the e-liquid from 12mg/ml and up.’
Ex heavy smokers: 18mg/ml is a recommended starting point.
Note that nic salt e-liquids go all the way up to 50mg/ml.

How to handle cigarette cravings

Even if you have found the perfect vape kit and the right e-liquid, you will probably still crave cigarettes. But there are a few things that you can do to keep them at bay:

Give yourself time and allow for inconsistencies. You may need to vape a lot, change devices, switch between e-liquids and nicotine strengths. Don’t get disheartened if you are not getting the best experience on the first try: make adjustments and keep going.

Be aware that most cravings go away after 5-10 minutes. While they may feel quite strong, they also go away quite quickly. So, all you need to go here is kill a bit of time: go for a walk, talk to a friend, watch a YouTube video — and your craving will go away without you even noticing.

Manage triggers. You probably have some things or activities that you associate with smoking. Some enjoy a cigarette with a cup of coffee, others smoke when working on a project. Start creating new traditions and try replacing smoking-related activities with others.

Finally, if you are looking for more information on what to expect in your first week of vaping, check out our complete and comprehensive Guide to your First Week of Vaping.

A Guide to your First Week of Vaping Quitting smoking is not easy — and there are two key aspects that make it difficult. First, there is the nicotine. As a highly addictive substance, nicotine makes it very difficult to stay away from the cigarette — especially when trying to quit cold turkey. Second, there is the habit itself. In addition to developing nicotine addiction, most smokers get attached to the little things about the cigarette: how it feels after a coffee or meal, the many ways it can be helpful in social situations, how calming it can be stressful moments and more. Vaping is the most efficient smoking cessation aid because it takes care of the two reasons for which smokers find it hard to quit. Vaping can be an efficient way to deliver nicotine into your system and it can also help you control your intake of the substance slowly lowering nicotine concentration in your e-liquids or going all the way down to zero Nic. Secondly, vaping lets you keep the lifestyle elements about smoking that you do not want to give up: vaping with a cup of coffee, in social situations or to handle stress is very similar to doing the same with the cigarette. With that, according to Public Health England, vaping is 95% less risky than smoking. So, what do you need to go from smoking to vaping? This is what we will cover in this guide. #iqdevice #ivapeiq #Vape #vapelife #vapenation #vapeon #vapecommunity #vapetricks #vapestagram #vapers #VapeDaily #calivapers #vapeshop #Vapes #vapejuice #ecig #quitsmoking #igvapers #vapecov #vapemods #VapeItLarge #Vape #vapelife #vaping #quitsmoking #stopsmoking #smoking #smokingalternative #maketheswitch#iqviva#iqone#iqvapingguide#iqair
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