Do you think that disposable pods are the future of vaping?

Once upon a time there was a trend in the e-cigarette world for vaping gadgets to get bigger and bigger. Cigalikes became vape pens, vape pens turned into box mods. As the batteries on vaping devices kept getting bigger and bigger to accommodate vapers’ growing demands, so did the devices themselves.

But ever since the first pod systems hit the market, things have somewhat changed. Pod kits and, especially, the ones that come with disposable pods, are really easy to use as they eliminate most of the maintenance work that might seem intimidating to new vapers.

A typical vaping device stores its e-juice in a glass tank. The tank is either screwed into the threading at the top of the device or is a permanent part of the said device. A pod vaping system, on the other hand, stores its e-liquid in a drop-in plastic pod. Some pods snap into place and some are secured in a magnetic base. In a standard vaping tank, the glass tank and the metal hardware aren’t disposable — and the only disposable part of the whole construction is the atomizer coil in the center of the tank, which needs to be regularly replaced.

In a pod vaping system, however, the whole pod is disposable. Thus, when your device runs out of e-liquid, all you will need to do is simply take out the old pod and put it in a new one. In fact, this is all you will need to do. This saves vapers plenty of time that they would have otherwise spent cleaning the tank in between different e-liquids, replacing coils, adjusting power settings and so on.

Portable, easy-to-use and satisfying, pod systems are basically the modern version of a cig-a-like — but much closer to a box mod in what they can offer.

How did pod systems become popular?

Pod systems first gained their popularity with the release of the JUUL e-cigarette in the US in 2015. Thanks to the use of some innovative new technologies as well as a pushy promotional campaign, JUUL has quickly become America’s best-selling e-cigarette.

There were several key factors that made JUUL stand out:

·         Drop-in pods, that made JUULs much easier to use than any other vaping kit on the market. 
·         Flat, narrow, light and supremely portable design that allowed the mods to sit comfortably in a pocket. 
·         And nic salt e-liquids that were used in the pods came with a whole set of benefits of their own. 

JUUL may have started the trend for vape kits with disposable pods, but the idea has since caught on and has been implemented by multiple companies. 

Are disposable pod vape kits the future? 

There are quite a few indicators that this, indeed, maybe the case. The vaping community instantly took to the idea or portable easy-to-use vape pens, but it's not all about the looks. There are several things that make disposable pod systems viable contenders for market domination:

High nicotine options. As a lot of pod systems are specifically designed for vaping nic salts, this lets vapers use higher nicotine concentrations while avoiding the harsh throat hit. This is a great option forex heavy smokers and is helpful in bringing down smoking relapse rate — as smokers are getting a much more similar sensation to that they used to get from a cigarette. 

Affordable. The cost of pod systems varies from brand to brand, but most of them are cheaper than standard bigger mods. And this makes the savings you get from switching from smoking to vaping even bigger. 

Satisfying. Don’t let the small size fool you. Vaping with a pod system can be just as satisfying as vaping with a bigger mod — especially if you are using high nicotine concentrations. 

Simple. Pod systems are very easy to use — and this is something new vapers truly appreciate. You don’t need to tweak with settings and assemble or re-assemble your device — you simply pick it up and inhale.

Discreet. While large clouds are loads of fun, they are not for everyone. Some vapers don’t like the extra attention and prefer to keep their vaping habits to themselves. Disposable pod kits are perfect for that as they are very small and produce much less vapor. 

There is, thus, lots to say in favor of pod kits — and it does look like they are here to stay. While large box mods still do offer much more in terms of functionality and customization, we could probably compare the two vape kits to smartphone cameras and DSLRs: the convenience of the former may well overtake the functionality of the latter. 

Do you think they pod systems are the future of vaping? 



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