5 Accessories For Vaping You May Want To Get Right Away

You don’t need much to start vaping: a vaping device and a bottle of good flavorful e-liquid. However, as you get more into the habit, you may want to gear up a bit more — and here are five accessories that can make your vaping sessions even better.

Carrying case

After you’ve vaped for a while, you may have accumulated a bit of vaping luggage: your vaping pen or mod, a few e-liquid bottles, extra coils, etc. And it would definitely be easier to have all of your vaping treasures in one place. This is especially convenient when traveling — as you will have all your vaping accessories organized and secured for the trip. A handy carrying case will help you keep all your vape kit neatly together and make it easier to find when you arrive at your destination.

Skin for your vape pen

Vape pens and box mods come in all shapes, styles, and colors these days — and it’s quite easy to find a way to stand out with your vaping gear. However, if you want to customize your vape device even further, there an easy way to do that with a stick-on skin for your vape mod. All you need to do is find a skin that matches the size and shape of your device and applies it to your vape gadget. You can even get a set of skinks and change them whenever you feel like it.

Hoodie for vaping

This is an obvious extra — but the one that comes in quite handy. Why it is not advised that you vape anywhere where vaping is not legally allowed. However, there may be instances where you simply do not want to draw any extra attention to the fact that you are vaping. Here’s when a hoodie may come in handy. What’s more, there are even special clothing lines for vapers these days that even allow you to place vape cartridges inside the drawstrings, which makes the whole process more discreet than ever.

Cleaning cloth

Keeping your vape clean may not sound like something super glamorous, but it is necessary. If you are using a complex box mod, it would be a good idea to take it apart once in a while and give each part a thorough cleaning. For a quick wipe-down, however, consider getting a simple fiber cloth for your vape device. These days, you can even have them custom-made.

Fun drip tips

It’s nice to change it up from time to time. If you are using a device with replaceable drip tips, consider getting some fun ones for when you feel like it. There are plenty of stylish drip tips to choose from and you can even design one yourself and have them custom-made.

This is by far not an exhaustive list of accessories and extras you could add to your vaping gear. But the best approach here is to start off slow and see how far you get. Then again, keeping simple is always an option as well.

iQ Vape



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