What is stealth vaping and why do it?

What is stealth vaping and why do it?

Going from smoking to vaping solves lots of problems. It comes with a significantly smaller health risk, no unpleasant odors and is also much lighter on your wallet. However, at least part of the stigma associated with smoking has traveled over to vaping — and there may be a variety of situations where you wouldn't want to accentuate the fact that you are vaping.

This is where stealth vaping comes in.

What is stealth vaping?

Stealth vaping is vaping without letting others know that you are. It's a handy skill to have if you don't want to be the center of attention or simply feel like keeping your vaping experience to yourself. 

What do you need to start stealth vaping?

There are two main things that make stealth vaping possible.

Ultra-portable vaping device. The first thing you will need to try out stealth vaping is a discreet vape kit like the IQ Air. Stealth vaping with a giant box mod is simply not an option, no matter how skilled of a vaper you may be. A subtle vaping mod like IQ Air is not only easy to conceal — it also produces less vapor and requires minimal action on your part: no buttons to press, no settings to tweak.

Technique. Stealth vaping is no rocket science — but you will still need to keep a few things in mind and give yourself some time to practice. The two very basic rules of stealth vaping are these:

     Hide your LEDs. Even if you are using the very subtle and discreet IQ Air, the small LED indicator in the bottom part of the device that lights up when you take a hit may easily give you away. Thus, do remember to cover the light with your hand — or, alternatively, conceal it with a piece of tape or other material.

     Don't huff and puff. If you want to vape stealthily, you can't take big puffs. Even minimal cloud devices like IQ Air can produce quite a bit of vapor when you take a long draw. To not draw attention to yourself (pun intended), inhale lightly and exhale through pursed lips.

What is zero vaping?

Zero vaping is the major league of stealth vaping. If you master this skill, you will be able to vape pretty much anywhere without others noticing. When you zero vape, you take a hit without exhaling any vapor. Once again, the prerequisites for zero vaping are a small vaping mod and the right technique. In this case, however, the learning curve may be slightly steeper.

There are two main zero vaping techniques.

The first one involves taking multiple short inhales. You should take a small puff and hold the exhale. Instead, inhale a bit of air again via the mouth and nose. Do this at least one more time and hold your breath for a few seconds before exhaling through pursed lips.

Another way to zero vapes is by taking a quick puff and then long deep inhale (at least five seconds) to bring it into the lungs. Once again, you will need to exhale with pursed lips.

Give each technique a few tries and see how you feel about it. If you are vaping at a high nicotine level and doing it this way feels uncomfortable, do not push yourself: try lowering your nicotine level or go back to the vaping style you are used to.

Why stealth vape?

As we've mentioned earlier, there can be quite a few reasons why you may want to vape discreetly.  It can simply be a matter of privacy or you may be apprehensive of the reaction of people nearby. Despite the official statement by the Public Health England saying that vaping is 95% safer than smoking and the fact that second-hand vaping has been proven to be non-toxic, some people may still give you a hard time over it — even if you are vaping in a place where it is allowed.
Some vapers master the stealth vaping or zero vaping technique to avoid restrictions and vape in places where it is forbidden. This is not something we recommend as paying a hefty fine for vaping in the wrong place will surely leave a bad taste in your mouth — and haven’t you switched to vaping to avoid just that?



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