7 Vaping Slang Terms (that we had no idea about)

According to Urban Dictionary, this is some of the latest and frequently used vaping slang. Honestly, we were not familiar with most of these — but we could be running behind on the lingo. Is there any vape slang you use often? How about any of these?

  • Vaples — the term describes a group of people that get together to talk about vaping. 
  • Tootle puffer — an affectionate term for vapers who use lower watt devices.
  • Cold boxing — the act of closing all the doors and windows in a room where you vape
  • Vaperversary — a date and festive occasion that commemorates the day on which one has switched from smoking to vaping.
  • Vapist — someone who talks about vaping all the time and forces others into a conversation about it. 
  • Shinyitis — a compulsion to buy new gadgets that you don’t necessarily need. It is rumored that the term originated on vaping forums and was used to talk about vapers obsessed with buying new kits. 
  • Vaporhood — a group of colleagues at work who often socialize by vaping together.



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