5 Tips for Vaping Indoors

As we are entering a hopefully very temporary reality of spending most of our time indoors, we are all looking for some comfort and reassurance — and a lot of us find these in sticking to our daily routine. While vaping outdoors and with a view is definitely fun, vaping indoors has its charm as well. Today, we are looking into some helpful tips for enjoying an indoor vaping session. Before we do though, let's address the elephant in the room: second-hand vaping is not the same as second-hand smoking. Smoke is a product of burning. When you burn any substance, volatile gases, carbon monoxide and other potentially toxic substances are released into the air. Burning tobacco sets free over 7,000 chemicals, hundreds of which are considered toxic and over fifty are carcinogenic. This makes smoking a very unhealthy habit and second-hand smoking quite a dangerous side-effect. In fact, the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have even added an online pamphlet to their websi...