Are e-liquids vegan?

We are often asked if our e-liquids are vegan or if there is a way to tell whether vape juice is vegan or not — if it's not marked as vegan on the label. Because there are so many different e-liquids on the market, it would be difficult to say with absolute certainty that ALL e-liquids are vegan. However, most e-liquids probably are — simply based on the ingredients they contain, which, in most cases do not contain any animal by-products. E-liquids have a base of vegetable glycerine (VG), propylene glycol (PG) or a combination of both. Vegetable Glycerin (or VG), just as the name suggests, is plant-based and Propylene Glycerol (or PG) is a synthetic chemical made from petroleum products. Both PG and VG are generally considered vegan. However, some PG manufacturers have confirmed that there may be animal by-products involved in the process of creating propylene glycol — and if this specific type of PG is used in your vape juice, then it would not be vegan. If there is no way for...