Mouth-to-lung vs. direct lung explained: choose your experience

One of the strongest points of vaping as a smoking cessation aid is that it lets you customize your experience. From selecting a vaping device to navigating the endless variety of juice flavors, you won’t be strapped for options when it comes to how and what you vape. More than that, you can even choose how to inhale. We are talking about mouth-to-lung (MTL or ML) versus Direct Lung (DL, DLI or DTL) inhale, the phrases you will often hear in the vaping community. What is mouth-to-lung inhale? Inhaling mouth-to-lung means that you first fill your mouth with vapor and only then further inhale that vapor into the lung. If you are a smoker, it’s very similar to the way you would smoke a cigarette. If you are not a smoker, it’s kind of like drinking through a straw. What is direct lung inhale? Direct lung inhale is when you inhale vapor straight to the lung. It can probably be compared to smoking a hookah or taking a very big breath of air but with your lips rounded. D...